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Gute englische Texte schreiben üben. – Klasse 7

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An exciting school trip (Überschrift)

I would like to give you a report on our school trip to the Orkney Islands. (Topic Sentence)
On Friday the 13th we all met in front of the grammar school early in the morning. Our bus was already waiting for us. The bus drove us to the airport in Edinburgh after our teacher had carefully checked that nobody was missing. The flight to Kirkwall took only about 50 minutes but everybody was worried about their safety because the weather was very stormy.

Can you imagine how small Kirkwall is? (Topic Sentence)
It is a really small town on the biggest island of the Orkney Islands which is called Mainland, yet it is an interesting place to visit. There are many old houses, small streets and a harbour where you can see fishing ships. In the afternoon we ate some delicious Fish & Chips there. It was the best fish I’ve ever eaten! In the evening we sat around a campfire (Lagerfeuer) in front of the youth hostel, sang songs and planned the activities for the next day.

On the second day we visited the island of Hoy. (Topic Sentence)
Hoy is even smaller than Mainland. We took the ferry from Houton to Lyness to get there. Then we walked along the cliffs to the Old Man of Hoy which is an impressive big rock. Luckily we did not have to walk back as our teacher had organised five jeeps to pick us up. The ride back was a lot of fun!

All in all, it was one of the most interesting school trips I’ve ever done.
Schlagwörter: school trip / Orkney Islands


Englische Texte schreiben üben. — 7 Kommentare

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